Creative Movement (2-3)/Combo (4-5)
White tap shoes. Elastic or tap shoe buttons. No laces
Pink ballet shoes
Any color leotard
Jazz/Ballet Combo (6-9)
Tan jazz shoes (split sole/slip on)
Pink ballet shoes
Black leotard with pink tights (dance booty shorts or ballet skirt over leotard and tights is optional)
Jazz/Tap Combo (10-12)
Tan jazz shoes (split sole/slip on)
Black jazz tap shoes (for tap class)
Black leotard or sports tank with dance booty shorts, leggings, or jazz pants
Black tank leotard
Pink ballet shoes
Pink tights (Danskin Theatrical Pink)
Hair neatly and securely in a bun
Tan jazz shoes (split sole/slip on)
Sports tank, leotard, and leggings, dance shorts or jazz pants
NOT just a t-shirt and shorts
Sports tank (NO t-shirts)
Booty/biker shorts or leggings
No shoes required
Musical Theater/Improv
Leotard, athletic fit shirt, or tank top
Booty shorts, tights, or leggings
Tan jazz shoes (split sole/slip on)
Hair pulled back out of the face
Tank top or leotard and leggings
Pirouette shoes
Hair pulled back out of the face
Hip Hop
Dance clothes
Tennis shoes or Hip Hop dance sneakers (no guarantee that shoes will be worn in performance)
Hair in ponytail